What are you Looking for?
Harry is a beautiful bird. But he can’t sing anymore. The other birds like to bully him for it. What kind of lady bird wants to build a nest with a bird that can’t sing? For years, Harry is all alone. One day, all of the birds are captured. Harry is the only one who can help them. But then he will have to sing. Can he do it?
40 pages. 222mmx192mm. Suitable for age 5+
For You
Soek die motorfietse wat toertjies op net een wiel doen en kleur hulle blou in! Jy kan die ambulanse wat met loeiende sirenes hospitaal toe jaag, geel inkleur. En maak die seerowerskepe met n skedel op hulle vlag bruin! Hierdie soek-en-vind-inkleurboek is propvol voertuie; van lugballonne met sterre op tot stoomlokomotiewe en selfs ruimteskepe wat vinniger as lig vlieg! Speel speurder en soek wat om op elke bladsy in te kleur! n Oorspronklike en kreatiewe inkleurboek vir kinders bo 4 jaar.
32 pages. 265mmx195mm. Suitable for age 4+
A delightfully funny story with a folk-tale flavour, with illustrations by internationally acclaimed illustrator Axel Scheffler.
Keep your eyes open, smile nicely and never disagree with anybody,” Jack’s mother advises. And it proves good advice, too, through the amazing adventures that follow – as Jack becomes a star pupil, goes out to work, attends his own funeral…and finds himself suitor to a princess! Idle he may be, but Jack’s no fool. Paperback, 74 pages, 12.9cm x 19.8cm
Mister Doodle, the Rooster, is most upset when he discovers that the city has spread – right up to the fence of his peaceful home- and decided to search for a new farm on which to live. But before he leaves, he holds auditions to find a talented bird to replace him and become the rooster who wakes the people of the city every morning. After some amusing and frustrating auditions, Mister Doodle finds the perfect candidate.
Paperback, 31 pages, 29 cm x 25 cm, Age 4+
The perfect book for managing your children’s allergies – or preventing allergies altogether. All this while eating delicious food which kids love. Contains facts about allergies and a great collection of recipes, covering: Veggies, Fruit, Potatoes, Baked, Beans, Meat, a spoonful of Sugar, Sleepy Time and a list of Allergy Groups in the world.
Paperback, 25 cm x 21 cm, 144 pages, 54 recipes Age – for adults
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