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Touch and Massage have many proven benefits for both parent and their newborn, including promoting relaxation and bonding. An exceptionally mild, superior quality blend of Lavender oils has been specially created for young babies sensitive skin. Also available in Eucalyptus. 50ml
For You
A unique hand crafted wooden Lion Puzzle with 12 pieces, made from durable pine plywood and long lasting, child friendly Dala paint and varnish. Perfect to challenge young children and may require adult supervision.
Recommended age 5+ Size: 29 x 21cm
Join the clever, crafty Puss as he adventures around the countryside making a fortune for his master the Marquis of Carabas. But will Puss be able to conquer the cruel ogre and win the princess’s hand, or will the ogre squash him flat?
Softcover, 30 pages, 28 cm x 24 cm, Age 3+
Soek die motorfietse wat toertjies op net een wiel doen en kleur hulle blou in! Jy kan die ambulanse wat met loeiende sirenes hospitaal toe jaag, geel inkleur. En maak die seerowerskepe met n skedel op hulle vlag bruin! Hierdie soek-en-vind-inkleurboek is propvol voertuie; van lugballonne met sterre op tot stoomlokomotiewe en selfs ruimteskepe wat vinniger as lig vlieg! Speel speurder en soek wat om op elke bladsy in te kleur! n Oorspronklike en kreatiewe inkleurboek vir kinders bo 4 jaar.
32 pages. 265mmx195mm. Suitable for age 4+
Fun Foods: Healthy Meals for Kids is about putting the fun back into feeding children. Filled with 60 practical easy-to-make recipes, it aims to get parents and children involved in the preparation of meals, while promoting a healthy approach to eating.
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