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Touch and Massage have many proven benefits for both parent and their newborn, including promoting relaxation and bonding. An exceptionally mild, superior quality blend of Lavender oils has been specially created for young babies sensitive skin. Also available in Eucalyptus. 50ml
For You
Njengoba emi phezu kwensika ephakeme nje, uMntanenkosi Othokozile, isichuse esiphambili ngempela esenziwe ngegolide, ukwazi ukubona lonke usizi olutholakala edolobheni elilaphaya phansi. Usecela iNkonjane encane ukuba ide ikhipha leli gugu elisemzimbeni wakhe ukuze abelane ngalo nabampofu. Lapho uMntanenkosi Othokozile esecela umngani wakhe omusha ukuba ahlale amsize, iNkonjane ithola isifundo ngobubele nokunakekela abanye.
Inganekwane ka-Oscar Wilde engasoze yabuna exoxa ngobungani phakathi kukaMntanenkosi Othokozile neNkonjane, iphiliswa kabusha yimidwebo eyisimanga kaJoan Rankin. Le ndaba eselokhu yathandeka kusukela ekushicilelweni kwayo ngowe-1888 izothokozelwa ngokufanayo ngabadala nezingane.
Paperback, 28 cm x 24 cm, 48 pages, Age 5+
Eczema Treatment. Fun and Safe Powder.
Shake a little into your bath water. Contains Sodium Bicarbonate ,which has natural anti-bacterial properties, soothes the skin when suffering from sunburn, and assists with symptoms of Eczema. Also, ideal to be used as a soothing foot spa, for softening heels and dry skin.
Available in Blue, Red and Yellow.
Join the clever, crafty Puss as he adventures around the countryside making a fortune for his master the Marquis of Carabas. But will Puss be able to conquer the cruel ogre and win the princess’s hand, or will the ogre squash him flat?
Softcover, 30 pages, 28 cm x 24 cm, Age 3+
Trek jou glasskoentjies aan en gaan saam met Aspoestertjie na die bal of miskien wil jy vir Rooikappie deur die groot woud vergesel. Hierdie twee klassieke verhale gaan jou verbeelding aangryp en meevoer na n wonderwereld van prag en praal.
Hardeband, 16 Bladsye, 20 cm x 20 cm, 3+ Jaar
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